An exhibition of art inspired by nature and the work of a famous poet is set to be displayed at a gallery near Reading.

Dominic Madden, a local artist, has made a series of paintings and collages of forest and streams, many of which are based on the River Pang, a tributary of the Thames in West Berkshire.  

The art features in an exhibition entitled 'Footfalls Echo' which references  the 'Four Quartets', a series of poems by writer T. S. Elliot. 

The paintings and collages blend representations of the West Berkshire river with eastern artistic styles, which reflects the memory of the Mr Madden's travels in the Near and Far East.

Figures within the art appear by the river bank, which alluding to the notion of solitude and also of a journey. 

The basis of the art is from extracts from T. S. Elliot's the Four Quartets:

Footfalls echo in the memory

Down the passage which we did not take

Towards the door we never opened

Into the Rose Garden

You can view some of the works that will feature at the exhibition in the gallery above. 

The exhibition will be held at the Fergus Madden Gallery, Willow House, Stanford Dingley, Berkshire RG7 6LX. 

The gallery is located opposite the Old Boot Inn in the village.

The exhibition is open from 10am to 4pm on 29th-30th of July and 5th-6th of August, with weekday visits by appointment only running until Friday, August 11.

To make an appointment, please call Mr Madden 07841629260, email or message on Instagram @dmadden231.

The work is for sale, with the gallery being free to enter.